Do you remember the last time you told your husband you’re proud of him? If you’re like me, you may feel a little guilty answering that question. With all the craziness of life with babies, we sometimes forget to acknowledge our husbands and all the things they do to take care of, lead, and provide for our family.
Why it’s important to show your husband you’re proud of him
Everyone likes to hear they’re doing a good job. I love when my husband tells me he is proud of the work I do and how I raise Little Man while he’s at work. It helps to validate the choice I made to leave my career to raise our family.
Husbands are no exception. They love to hear they’re doing a good job providing for the family and being great husbands and fathers. Have you ever been at a job where no one ever told you they appreciate you? That didn’t really give you an incentive to work harder and get better at your job, did it?
The same principle applies to a marriage. Your hubby is out there busting his rear to provide for your family and make sure you have food to eat and a roof over your heads. When both spouses work outside the home, they distributed the responsibility evenly between them. But when they decide that the woman should stay home to care for the kids, all that responsibility transfers to the husband. That’s a lot of pressure! When you show your man you’re proud of him, he feels validated in his role as husband.
Why you should be proud of him
I’m sure you have your own list of reasons you’re proud of your hubby, but here are a few more:
He’s the spiritual leader of your home
Because of our sinful world, the role of family spiritual leader has increasingly fallen on the mother. You are blessed that your husband fulfills that role instead of you! Obviously, you’re both responsible for raising your children to love the Lord, but it’s your husband’s job to set the spiritual tone of your household. That responsibility is very heavy, and your husband needs to know that you support him and are proud of the job he does in this area.
He’s married to you
Being married to me isn’t easy. I’m independent, strong-willed and stubborn as a mule. Bless my husband’s heart. He’s got his hands full with me, but he is one of the most patient people I have ever known. He rarely gets riled up, despite my best efforts (sometimes I just wanna fight! I’m working on it, okay?).
I don’t have to tell you that marriage isn’t easy; it takes a lot of work on both sides. Husbands are called to love their wives as Christ loved the church (see Ephesians 5:25). That’s no small task! Basically Jesus wants men to love their wives as much as He does. Those are some big shoes to fill, so your husband should know you’re proud of him for trying.
He’s father to your babies
It’s amazing how you love your husband differently when he transitions to fatherhood. I have so enjoyed watching my husband enter the daddy club. Watching how much he loves our son is one of the greatest joys of my life.
There are countless statistics that highlight the importance of a father in a child’s life. So many people go down the wrong path due in part to the lack of a male role model during their childhood years. Your babies have their daddy, and that’s a huge blessing. Make sure your husband knows you understand the importance of his leadership in your family.
First, tell him
There are several ways to let your husband know you’re proud of him, and this is the first. It’s unlikely he will ever know unless you tell him. But don’t just say you’re proud of him; expound on why. Give him specific examples of things he did this week that made you proud. It’s important for him to hear those things from you because you’re his wife: the most important person in his life and his partner.
Second, show him
Have you ever heard someone say something nice about you to another person? Feels good, right? Mama, I’m giving you permission to brag—brag on your man a little bit! Instead of complaining to your girlfriends about what you’re hubby’s not doing, tell them the things he’s great at! When he hears about it, he’ll be happy to know you’re proud to be his wife.
Finally, listen to him
Some men are hesitant to open up to their wives about their struggles. They worry their wives will cease being proud of them. But men need to vent, too! Let your husband know he can talk to you about the tough stuff and that you’ll help him work through it. Wives are to support our husbands, and one of the best ways we can do that is by listening without passing judgement.
Alright mama, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to show your husband you’re proud of him today. Tell him you appreciate everything he does for your family. Show him you’re proud of him by acknowledging his accomplishments and good qualities to others. Listen to the things he struggles with and help him work through them. Show him you are proud to be his wife and the mother of his kids.
Thank you ❤️ That was lovely!