We all have passions and dreams, right? As a mom, we often put those things on hold because we are busy raising our kids, maintaining our marriages, and managing our households. But it’s important to take time for the other things that matter to us. Avoid the guilt and know that you can start a hobby as a busy mom that feeds your soul.

Why you should start a hobby as a busy mom
You may ask yourself, Why do I need a hobby? I have more than enough activities to keep me busy! But there are countless studies that show hobbies help improve our health.
Mental health
Hobbies give us a chance to take a mental break from the everyday stresses of life. Mom brains are full to the brim with things concerning our kids and family, and sometimes it feels like we can’t fit a single more thing in. But busy moms who start hobbies have a chance to put all that aside, if only for a few minutes a day or an hour a week, and really focus on themselves.
Physical health
Many hobbies can improve your physical health as well as your mental health. Hobbies like, fitness, yoga, swimming, and even walking, painting and drawing, reading, and writing help you breathe easier and get your blood flowing.
Spiritual health
Hobbies like Bible journaling, music, and hand lettering can improve your spiritual health and bring you closer to the Lord. We all know that when our relationship with God is on track, our outlook on the rest of our life is greatly improved.
Starting a hobby can make you a better wife and mom
Although it sounds counterintuitive, taking time for an activity away from or outside of your family can make you a better wife and mom. Women who cultivate a hobby return to their families refreshed, rejuvenated, and with a higher sense of purpose.
How to start a hobby as a busy mom
Many times, we are so wrapped up in our mom-identity that we forget who we were before our kids. You may have a hard time even thinking of a hobby that interests you or that interest you.
First, determine your interests
If you struggle with figuring out how to start a hobby as a busy mom, you must discover what you are passionate about. Take a sheet of paper, and write a list of all the things that make you happy, no matter how small. And don’t just say your kids! Really dig deep and figure out what makes you tick. For me, writing makes me happy. And I didn’t really know it at first. It took some time to figure out writing and creating with words is my passion.
Second, research ways to cultivate your interests
The internet, especially Pinterest, is full of ideas about how to cultivate the things that interest you. As you start a hobby as a busy mom, take a little time here and there to look up activities that align with your interests. I discovered blogging is a fantastic way for someone who enjoys writing to let those creative juices flow.
If your passion is cooking, research cooking classes in your area. If you enjoy art, check out your local community center for painting, sculpting, or pottery classes. For those who love reading, consider joining a book club. Whatever your passion, I guarantee you can find a way to cultivate it.
Third, communicate with your spouse
When you start a hobby as a busy mom, make time to communicate with your spouse. He needs to know why this is important to you and that you need to make it some sort of priority in your life.
You may find it helpful to explain your plan and show him how much time you plan to dedicate to this hobby. Of course, when developing that plan, make sure it’s reasonable! Explain that there may be days that the house doesn’t look perfect and you may need a little help, but note why you need this outlet.
Finally, get started!
This is the fun part! Now is when you discover that you actually can start a hobby as a busy mom.
Purchase supplies
Your hobby may require you purchase supplies. In that case, you may need to budget for it. Don’t get discouraged, and don’t feel like you need top-of-the-line supplies right away. For example, if you want to watercolor, purchase some low-cost watercolors at your local craft store, or on Amazon. Don’t invest a ton of money into a hobby until you know for sure that you love it and plan to stick with it.
Schedule time for your hobby
Starting a hobby as a busy mom is hard because it’s easy to shove it on the back burner in favor of other things. And while your first job is wife and mother, your hobby is important, too. So schedule time to work on your hobby, and keep the appointment!
Just like you schedule your kids’ activities, add your hobby time to the family calendar. Treat that time as an unbreakable commitment, just as you do sports, doctor appointments, etc. It’s incredibly tempting to make your hobby an “if I have time” thing, but that defeats the purpose.
Make sure your family knows when your hobby time occurs each day or week. Train your kids to play independently during that time period and let you have those moments to yourself. If you do your hobby for a little while in the evening, gently explain to your spouse that you are unavailable at that time.
Don’t feel guilty to start a hobby as a busy mom! It may seem a little weird at first, but remember the benefits we discussed earlier.
Mama, I know your family comes first. But you can’t fill others up if you aren’t filled yourself. So I give you permission to start a hobby as a busy mom, guilt-free, and take time to discover and cultivate your passions and dreams.
Are you a busy mom with a cool hobby? Tell us about it in the comments!