
Dog Hair, Don’t Care


Last week, as I rushed around getting my house ready to host Bible study, I happened to glance over at the living room sofa. There, sitting in the corner, was my little white dog, Jethro. My white dog. On my dark sofa. During shedding season. I quickly shooed him off, but the damage was done. White dog hair covered the sofa I had cleaned not thirty minutes earlier. I sighed with frustration. I was on a time crunch and did […]

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Baby’s First Haircut


Have you ever seen those kids who have a ton of messy hair and think, I wonder when his parents are going to finally cut that mop? Well, I was one of those offending parents. Little Man was born with a ton of hair. In fact, we were even able to see it on the ultrasound. I didn’t even know that was possible! As a new mama, I firmly believed that I would wait to cut my son’s hair until […]

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The Day I Found Out I Was Pregnant After Battling Infertility

The Day I Found Out I Was Pregnant After Battling Infertility | Pregnancy and Motherhood | Family | Babies and Kids

Just like I will never forget the day I was told I couldn’t conceive, I will never forget the day I found out I was pregnant after battling infertility. It was a beautiful, sunny day in April, exactly one year ago today, in fact. I’m celebrating today because this was the day that God demonstrated His grace, power, and limitless love in my life. If you’re not familiar with my struggle with infertility, the gist of it is that I […]

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My Infertility Journey: When You’re Ready for Kids but Your Body Isn’t

My Infertility Journey: When You're Ready for Kids but Your Body Isn't | Infertility | Pregnancy and Birth | Motherhood | PCOS | Endometriosis

I never understood what an infertility journey really consisted of until it happened to me. I always assumed conceiving and growing my family would be easy. And for most people, I guess it is. But not for me. When my husband and I married, we decided we wanted to wait five years before trying to have kids. But after three, we knew we were ready. We both had good jobs, a house, a few dogs and cats running around, and […]

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“Moms Don’t Take Sick Days” – but They Should

I’m sure you’ve seen that commercial for a certain brand of cold medicine that says, “Moms don’t take sick days; moms take [This Cold Medicine].” Although society says moms should find a way to power through their illness, I’m here to tell you that moms should indeed take sick days. Over the weekend, I came down with a nasty stomach bug, the likes of which I haven’t experienced since I was a kid. It started with a bit of an […]

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When You Find that First Gray Hair…

I was getting ready for bed last night and there it was: a gray hair hanging out along my part line. I’m in my late twenties and just became a mama. My body underwent a lot of changes during pregnancy and birth, but I was honestly not prepared to see that little sucker shimmering back at me in the mirror. When I showed it to my husband, bless him, he said, “Well…silver hair is a sign of wisdom.” Initially, I […]

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