When You Find that First Gray Hair…

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I was getting ready for bed last night and there it was: a gray hair hanging out along my part line.

I’m in my late twenties and just became a mama. My body underwent a lot of changes during pregnancy and birth, but I was honestly not prepared to see that little sucker shimmering back at me in the mirror.

When I showed it to my husband, bless him, he said, “Well…silver hair is a sign of wisdom.” Initially, I just laughed, but then it got me thinking. I’m a lot wiser now than I was three months ago when our sweet Little Man was born. I know how to keep a diaper from leaking (most of the time). I learned how to breastfeed. I can get out the door with an infant efficiently. I understand what makes my son smile and gurgle and coo. I’m getting better at running my household whilst keeping my tiny human fed and happy.

“The glory of young men is their strength, and the splendor of old men is their gray head” (Proverbs 20:29).

I‘ve made plenty of mistakes. There have been quite a few tears (and not just from the baby). I’ve done some ridiculous things in my sleep-deprived state like try to pour coffee from my stand mixer bowl instead of the coffee pot. I’ve snapped at my poor husband and worried too much about the future and our finances. I’ve tripped over (and subsequently yelled at) my dogs who just want some attention.

But I’ve also learned how to love my son more than I ever thought possible. I’ve recovered from a C-section birth. I’ve battled postpartum depression. I definitely don’t know everything. But I think I’ve earned that silver hair. Instead of pulling it out (which isn’t really good anyway), I’m wearing it like a badge of honor for surviving the first three months of motherhood.

You gain wisdom when you embrace your kairos moments

If you’re feeling beaten down, worn out, and like you just don’t have anything else to give, take a moment to look at how far you’ve come and take stock of the wisdom you’ve gained along the way. You have been placed in this moment for such a time as this. Perhaps your kairos moment is loving and supporting your husband and raising your kids. Or maybe it’s glorifying God by doing your best at your job. Maybe it’s working your tail off to get good grades in college.

Whatever it is, remember that every experience adds to your wisdom and will help you as you move to the next season of life. Even though it’s tough, God may be preparing you for something great down the road.

Embrace those gray hairs. You’ve earned them.

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