Tagkairos moment

When You Find that First Gray Hair…

I was getting ready for bed last night and there it was: a gray hair hanging out along my part line. I’m in my late twenties and just became a mama. My body underwent a lot of changes during pregnancy and birth, but I was honestly not prepared to see that little sucker shimmering back at me in the mirror. When I showed it to my husband, bless him, he said, “Well…silver hair is a sign of wisdom.” Initially, I […]

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Welcome to Living Kairos!

I’m Brianna and I am so glad you’re here! I’m a Christian, wife to an amazing husband, mom, writer/editor/proofreader, and amateur artist. I help moms find purpose in the everyday moments of life by providing tools to help you stay organized, tips to grow your marriage, and encouragement as you embrace motherhood. I desire to encourage women who are in a similar stage of life and (hopefully) share some wisdom to those who are where I’ve already been. What is […]

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