It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Where did this year go?! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because I love gathering with family and reflecting on our blessings. Oh, and eating amazing food, of course! But in the day-to-day of motherhood, sometimes it’s hard to find things to be thankful for. When you struggle to get your baby on a schedule, deal with teething or illness, or just feel so tired you don’t know how to make it, it’s hard to be thankful. Here are five ways to give thanks in motherhood.

Motherhood is hard
I probably don’t have to tell you that. We’re both living it, and so is every other mother out there. As a stay-at-home mom, you may often feel like the things you do don’t matter, or perhaps that no one appreciates them.
It’s tempting to fall into a cycle of feeling sorry for yourself. And while I’m not discounting those feelings, I want to encourage you to take a look outside yourself and find ways to give thanks in motherhood.
First, slow down.
It’s really hard to give thanks in motherhood when you feel like you’re flying by the seat of your pants. I know when I’m in the teething trenches, it’s hard to see the good because my child is hurting and I’m frantically trying to keep him comfortable and happy. It’s easy to become resentful of the situation.
But when I slow down and think about it, I find ways to give thanks for that season. Teething means my son is growing and healthy. It means his body is doing what it’s supposed to and he’s developing. In fact, if he wasn’t teething, I’d probably be much more stressed out that something was wrong.
When we slow down and really look at the situation, it’s easy to give thanks in motherhood.
Second, tone down the stress
Are you struggling financially? Having a hard time juggling housework and being a good mom? Frustrated with not being able to give 100 percent to your marriage, or feeling like your spouse isn’t giving 100 percent?
I’m the worst about stressing out about things. I hate the unknown and do my best to plan for every scenario. But, as my husband so lovingly reminds me, things have a way of working themselves out. And most of the time, the things I worry about don’t end up coming to fruition.
So take a look at the past when God has provided for you financially. Take stock of your marriage and address any issues. When you take time to evaluate the so-called bad, you may discover the good along the way.
Third, watch your baby play
This may sound silly, but take time to just watch your child for a minute. Watch how he plays. See how she laughs. Take in his excitement as he discovers new things. One way to give thanks in motherhood is to acknowledge how far your baby has come since birth. Thank God for his health, growth, and development.
Fourth, give thanks for the mess
I know that sounds weird. You spend the majority of your time trying to manage the mess right? Why would you be thankful for it? The dishes in the sink means you have food to eat. Those piles of laundry mean you have clothes to wear. The toys scattered across the floor mean your child had fun today. Giving thanks in motherhood means looking at things differently.
Finally, take a look at your marriage
You and your husband are a team. If you feel discontent or unappreciated, perhaps you need to have a tough conversation. Maybe you feel neglected because your hubby works long hours. But, most likely he does is because desperately desires to provide for your family. Perhaps you feel like he doesn’t appreciate your role as a mother and homemaker. I bet he does, but just doesn’t say it as often as he should.
I promise it gets better, mama. It’s hard to give thanks in motherhood, especially when it’s messy. Remember to take time and slow down to see what’s around you. Tone down the stress. Rejoice in the little things like watching your baby play. Even though it’s hard, try to see the good in the mess. And don’t forget to appreciate those who support and encourage you.
How do you give thanks in motherhood? Tell us in the comments!