I’m sure we all agree that our character is important. It’s who we are and it’s what people see when they get to know us. What type of character do you want to present to the world? Would you rather have a reputation as someone who is scatterbrained, flighty, and unreliable, or do you want to be known as someone who is dependable, organized, and considerate? As we wrap up our series, Organize Your Life, we learn that when we establish the habits we’ve learned, they will eventually develop an organized character.

Organized people accomplish a lot
Organized people are generally more productive than disorganized people. They don’t hunt for misplaced items. Their plans likely (but not always) go off without a hitch because they’ve thought through the details. They are able to accomplish tasks more quickly and efficiently because they have a plan going in.
They help others
People with an organized character are able to spend more time helping others because they aren’t running around like crazy people trying to keep track of their own life. Because of this, they are more other-oriented and thoughtful. They are more likely to take a meal to a sick friend or a family with a new baby, participate in charity work, and do thoughtful things like send cards just because they were thinking about you.
They serve the body of Christ
Those with an organized character are more likely to serve the body of Christ through volunteering at church, helping with events, and praying for others. The organized mama goes the extra mile, encouraging her fellow believers and helping wherever she can.
People respect an organized character
A mama with an organized character is reliable and dependable. People count on her to be on time. She follows through with what she promises to do. People know her for her reliability, not her flaky-ness.
It’s worth noting that, sometimes, other people take advantage of an organized character. Be careful not to enable lazy people who expect you to do everything. Many organized people can also be control-freaks (*raises hand*) and often think that if they want something done right, they better do it themselves.
This isn’t good for two reasons: first, you are not the be-all and end-all of everything. The world can function just fine without you, so don’t think more of yourself and your organization skills than you should.
Second, if people see that you do everything, they’ll let you. You’ll run yourself ragged trying to be everything to everyone, and you may very well end up bitter and resentful. One of the traits of an organized character is the ability to delegate. Use your gifts to keep everyone on the right track, and let others experience the joys of serving.
Organized people are future-oriented
The mama with the organized character is conscious of what the future holds. The Proverbs 31 woman is said to laugh “without fear of the future” (Proverbs 31:25, NLT). She does not worry about the future because she does her due diligence in the present. She is confident in what is to come because she has planned for it.
Many organized people lose their minds when things don’t go as planned. I’m currently dealing with that in my own life. When Little Man was born, I left my full-time job to be a stay-at-home mom. My husband and I had a financial plan, but unfortunately, that plan was delayed. Things are super tight for us right now, and the future is uncertain.
This is the point where the organized mama must remember to surrender to God’s plan instead of relying on her own. My husband is amazing and reminds me of that when I’m freaking out about how to make ends meet.
Organized people have more time
This isn’t exactly true—everyone has the same twenty-four hours per day. The difference between those with an organized character and those without it is that the organized person makes better use of the hours they have.
The key is to start from the beginning, just like our saying goes, “[Organize] your thoughts; they become words. [Organize] your words; they become actions. [Organize] your actions; they become habits. [Organize] your habits; they become your character. [Organize] your character; it becomes your destiny.”
Mama, I hope you’ve enjoyed our Organize Your Life series. My prayer is that you have learned some practical tools that will help you live the organized life you’ve always dreamed of. You will have ups and downs, but remember that it’s all part of the journey. You have to work for it and change won’t come overnight. Please don’t give up; you’ve got this!
If you missed any of the other posts in the Organize Your Life series, you can locate them here:
- How to Organize Your Thoughts (Organize Your Life – Part 1)
- How to Organize Your Words (Organize Your Life – Part 2)
- How to Organize Your Actions & Habits (Organize Your Life Part 3)