Independence Day Reflections: Raising Babies in the Land of the Free

Independence Day Reflections: Raising Babies in the Land of the Free | Parenting | Christian Parenting | Holidays and Celebrations | Motherhood | Mom Life
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Independence Day is coming up next week, and it’s definitely one of my favorite holidays. I love spending time with my family, grilling and eating yummy food, and watching/lighting fireworks. In honor of our great country, I want to take a moment to celebrate how blessed we are to raise our babies in the good ol’ US of A.

Independence Day Reflections: Raising Babies in the Land of the Free | Parenting | Christian Parenting | Holidays and Celebrations | Motherhood | Mom Life

Independence Day as a new mama

As new mamas, we have the privilege of raising our kids in a country where they have so many freedoms. We are responsible for teaching our children to value those freedoms, use them for good, and never take them for granted. This Independence Day, take a moment to reevaluate your responsibility to shape tomorrow’s leaders.

Teach the importance of religious freedom

Here in America, we enjoy the freedom to believe and practice any religion we want. As non-denominational Christians, my husband and I can take Little Man to whichever church we choose. We are blessed to attend an amazing church that has solid, Bible-based teaching, and we are constantly learning and being fed spiritually.

As Little Man gets older, we are responsible for extending what we learn in church to our own household. It’s not enough for our son to hear God’s Word once a week; we must enforce it here at home. As parents, we have to teach him to love Jesus and talk to Him as a friend.

Our goal as parents it to raise our child “in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6). Honestly, if I think about that too hard, I get a little overwhelmed. It’s a huge responsibility! Thankfully, we have many godly friends and family who help support our journey in parenthood.

I want my son to understand how lucky he is to live in a country where he can openly declare his love for Jesus. Our goal is to raise him to be unashamed of his faith, and though it may be hard at times, we want him to know it’s worth standing up for.

Encourage involvement in government

In this country, we can say what we think about our government and the way our leaders manage it. As someone who has a degree in political science, I know the importance of being informed about what’s going on in our country.

As parents in this day and age, it’s vital that we raise our kids to take an interest—and eventually a role—in their government. Leadership is a learned characteristic, and it’s our responsibility to mold our children into good leaders. Like it or not, they are the future leaders of our cities, states, country, and even world. So let’s make sure they are good ones!

Teach your babies to honor those who have fought and died to protect the freedoms we enjoy. Show them how to respect authority: our police officers and other law enforcement. Help them learn to honor those who serve us as first responders, doctors, and nurses. This Independence Day, reflect on how you will teach these values to your children.

>Show them how to value diversity

I know we easily wrap ourselves up in everyday life that we confine our family to a bubble. As your baby grows, encourage him or her to explore the world around them. Our country is beautiful, and there is so much to see and experience. Show your kids that there is more out there than their little neighborhood or town.

Our nation is a melting pot, so expose them to other cultures and teach them to love and respect people who are different than them. Encourage them to look through the color of a person’s skin to see their heart and character. Show them every person deserves the love of Jesus, regardless of who they are or what they’ve done.

Mama, you are blessed to raise your baby in the land of the free and home of the brave. You have the responsibility to teach him or her to be a person worthy of that privilege. Make sure you instill the values in your little one’s heart early on, and have a happy Independence Day!

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4 thoughts on “Independence Day Reflections: Raising Babies in the Land of the Free

  1. You’ve got a great perspective! This is powerful. I never even thought about encouraging them to get involved but you’re so right!

  2. I love this ! Your perspective is so refreshing and inspiring. Raising godly men is my #1 goal, and these points are so important to keep in mind as it’s all part of the journey. Thank you for sharing!

  3. So much truth! Praying our babies grow up to appreciate the freedoms they have and use them to love those around them!

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