Seven Romantic Winter Date Ideas for this Magical Season

Seven Romantic Winter Date Ideas | Marriage | Family | Date Nights
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Winter is one of the most magical seasons of the year. Now, I’m not the biggest fan of the cold weather, but even I can appreciate the wonder of the season. And though it’s sometimes filled with busyness and stress, it’s important to slow down for a bit. It’s easy to get so caught up in the to-do lists that we fail to see what truly matters: spending some quality time with your husband. So I came up with a few romantic winter date ideas that will help bring you and your hubby closer together during this magical season.

Seven Romantic Winter Date Ideas | Marriage | Family | Date Nights


Romantic Winter Date Ideas

We all know it’s important to date your spouse, so here are some fun ideas to get you started when the weather turns cold.

1. Coffee or hot cocoa date

I love coffee dates. As busy parents, sometimes it’s hard to get away for an official date night every week. But everyone has time for coffee or cocoa, even if it’s just for an hour on a Saturday afternoon. Of course, there’s something more romantic about sipping a hot beverage together on a cold night, so make time for that, too!

For this romantic winter date, try to avoid talking about all those crazy things that need to get done this time of year: Christmas shopping, holiday parties, etc. Just focus on the two of you and your relationship. Take this opportunity to catch up with each other while enjoying a yummy holiday beverage.

2. A romantic walk in the snow

Look, I really don’t like snow that much. It’s cold and wet—two things that should not go together, ever. But even I can’t deny the beauty of a freshly fallen snow. It transforms the entire world into a peaceful wonderland.

So as long as you bundle up tight, enjoy a romantic walk down a snowy neighborhood street, park, or outdoor shopping venue. You can even combine this romantic winter date with the coffee/cocoa one for bonus points!

3. Cozy dinner by the fire

This romantic winter date is for those times when the babies sleep over at grandma’s house for the night. Either make a warm meal, or order in from somewhere awesome. If you order in, make it special instead of just getting pizza or burgers from your usual place. Try something new, or even spring for something fancy.

Enjoy your romantic dinner by the fireplace, and have a glass of wine if that’s your thing. Then, snuggle on the couch with some hot cider, pop some popcorn, and watch a Christmas movie together. I love this date idea because it brings back some of the romance that often takes a back-burner after you have kids.

4. Pick out a Christmas tree

Every year, my husband and I engage in a battle of wills over whether we will continue to buy a beautiful live Christmas tree, or break down and purchase an ugly fake one (guess which side I’m on). So far, we’re keeping the real tree tradition alive, and picking one out is so much fun!

Even though my hubby grumbles that a real Christmas tree is nothing more than a spider-infested fire hazard, he secretly enjoys going to pick one out every year. So if you plan on getting a tree and your kids are either too little or just don’t care, make it a romantic winter date!

Just make sure to not get overly picky and drag the entire thing on so long that you both get grumpy (speaking from experience here).

5. Browse an antique store

This date is super fun any time of the year, but it’s especially nice in the wintertime. It’s a fun after-dinner date if you need to walk off your meal but don’t want to freeze to death outside.

My hubby and I love antique stores. There’s just something exciting about finding an item with a lot of history behind it. And you can spend hours in one little store because they are normally packed to the brim with cool items. Many times, we don’t even end up buying anything, but when we do, the item is special because we picked it out together.

6. Visit a winter market or craft fair

There are winter markets and craft fairs all over the place if you know where to look. Many churches and community centers host craft fairs before Christmas, and you can find some really unique items for your home or for gifts. As creative people ourselves, we enjoy looking at what other artists and crafters make.

Some farmers markets hold events for vendors to display their winter crops (winter squash, anyone?). And many markets we’ve been to sell more than just produce. Many local small businesses participate in farmers markets, so there’s no shortage of items to browse through. Several markets we’ve attended also feature live music, so it makes for a festive atmosphere. Plus, you get some fresh air. Cold, winter air.

Take some time at these events to hold hands with your spouse, enjoy some homemade bread, cookies, or cider, and enjoy the festivities.

7. Wrapping presents

Okay, I know this is actually a task that technically has to be done, but bear with me. I don’t know how it works in your house, but generally, one of us does the majority of the gift-wrapping. But this year we’re making a date of it and spending the time wrapping together. It’s fun to talk about each gift and imagine the recipient’s face when they open it.

Make this date romantic with some eggnog and cookies, Christmas music, and good conversation.

So there you have it, mama. I know it’s tempting to hole up in your house and work on all the things you need to get done this winter, but remember it’s important to spend time with your hubby. Take some time and try these romantic winter date ideas, and I promise you’ll both have fun and grow closer during this magical season.

What are your favorite romantic winter date ideas? Tell us about them in the comments!

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