On the day you marry your husband, it’s hard to imagine ever loving him more than you do at that moment. I know I couldn’t. No one told me that you love your husband differently after giving birth. But, there’s just something about the whole parenthood experience that changes the entire marriage relationship.

How you love your husband before babies
During that sweet spot after marriage and before having kids, you and your husband had just each other to love in your little family. Personally, I really love those days because we really got to know each other so well as husband and wife, and it was amazing doing life together.
Before kids, you were still your own people, and probably had your own careers. Sure, you came home at night and discussed each other’s days, but it was relatively simple.
How you love your husband differently when you get pregnant
My husband and I always said we wanted to wait five years after marriage to start having kids. We really wanted to have a good amount of time to really strengthen our relationship and build our careers. But three years in, we decided we were ready. Little did we know that it wouldn’t be as easy to conceive as we thought.
During our infertility journey, my husband and I really grew as a couple. It took a while to figure out what the problem was, but when we found out I have PCOS, my husband really came alongside me as I struggled with depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and all the other emotional issues that come with infertility.
The day I found out I was pregnant, my love for my husband just exploded. When I saw those two lines, I felt like I could never love my husband more than that moment because by the grace of God, we were finally pregnant.
My husband supported me so much while I was pregnant. He came to every single doctor appointment, and the first time we saw our baby on the ultrasound was one of the best days of our lives. I saw a strong nurturing side of my husband that I hadn’t seen before. He did his best to take care of me, making sure I drank enough water and ate the right foods (and yes, went to the store at weird hours to get the sea salt and vinegar chips I craved).
The ups and downs of the delivery room
My birth story did not go as we expected. After fourteen hours of labor, I needed an emergency C-section because our baby was in distress. Thankfully, my husband got to come in the operating room with me, and he stayed right next to me during the surgery. We didn’t find out the gender beforehand, so we received an amazing surprise when the doctor held up Little Man.
My sweet hubby stood by as the doctors cleaned our little guy up, and as I saw him hold our bundle for the first time, I felt my love for him change in my heart. The tears of joy I cried were not only because of our sweet son, but also because of my amazing husband. I discovered you love your husband differently after giving birth and as he transitions into fatherhood.
How you love your husband differently after giving birth
During the first year of Little Man’s life, I saw my husband grow in ways I never imagined. And I think I figured out why you love your husband differently after giving birth.
His selflessness and nurturing attitude
My hubby was always very sweet and caring, but that attitude amplified while we stayed in the hospital after Little Man was born. Because I had a C-section, I was in a lot of pain. He changed the majority of the diapers and brought Little Man to me as I struggled to breastfeed.
He even helped me shower in the hospital because I could barely move after the surgery. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.
And you know those middle-of-the-night feedings? My sweet husband got up for every single one and changed Little Man so he would wake up enough to breastfeed. We enjoyed the incredible blessing of having him stay home on paternity leave for an entire month, and I truly believe that time was invaluable.
His transition to fatherhood
Also, you love your husband differently after giving birth because you see how he loves your baby. Watching my husband with our son is one of my favorite things ever. The way he interacts with him brings so much joy to my heart. Right now, our guy just learned to walk, so my husband plays on the floor with him every evening and helps him practice.
My husband normally does bath time, and I love hearing Little Man splashing and squealing as his daddy shows him how to play with the boats and other toys. It makes my heart so happy to hear him talking to our son and making him laugh.
His drive to provide for his family
After Little Man was born, we decided I would not return to work. I loved my job, but with the cost of daycare, I’d be working so he could stay in daycare. And we realized that no one loves our child as much as we do, and the best thing we could do for him was raise him ourselves.
Of course, that added pressure to my husband as the sole breadwinner of our family. And he took that responsibility very seriously. Each morning as he heads off to work, I realize that you love your husband differently after giving birth because you are so incredibly reliant on him.
My husband just transitioned to a new, extremely difficult job. He told me the other day, “If it wasn’t for you guys, I don’t think I could do this job.”
I’m so proud of him, and I feel extremely blessed that he loves us enough to do the hard stuff.
The spiritual leader of your family
Another reason you love your husband differently after giving birth is his role as the spiritual leader of the family. My hubby reads Bible stories to our son, makes sure we pray often, and talks to him about Jesus.
Before I met my husband, I knew I wanted to marry someone who would step up and be a spiritual leader to our kids. I’m so thankful my husband fits that role perfectly and then some. He constantly holds me accountable and enables me to be a better mom, too.
So mama, that’s why you love your husband differently after giving birth. You see so much of him in your child, and since you love that baby so much, it amplifies your love for your hubby. You feel proud of him as you watch him transition to a father. And you see how he works hard to provide for and lead your family. Remember to show him how much you love him each and every day as you do life together as parents.
How did you love your husband differently after giving birth? Tell us in the comments!
Watching my husband with our daughter makes my heart so happy, specially since I never had a dad. It means so much to be that he’s taking care of us and has shown compassion for me after my c section. Having my daughter really brought us together for a family struggling to blend.
This makes my heart so happy! My first baby was a c-section, too, and my hubby was blessed to be able to take a month off work. That bonding time between the three of us was such an incredible blessing.
This was beautiful!
Thank you so much! I am so glad you enjoyed reading! ~Brianna